Saturday 28 April 2012


The 25th April 2012.  We all got up early and went for a family Bike ride early around Shepards park.  I biked from home and met the family down at the park,  I nearly bet them there,  I am so fast!  Nah they just muck around so much LOL.  Then after Keith took the kids to the Local Anzac Parade in Birkenhead. 

I always remember my Grandfather on this special day, Owen Mahon who fought in WW2,  I will post some photos of him soon on this post also for the kids to remember and learn about him.  He would often get emotional talking about the war,  I am sure we don't have any idea what he and others went through.  He had been deafened by the war and wore hearing aids because of this.  He died in 1996 peacefully in his sleep but to this day I still have very fond memories of him and remember him as a cool grandfather.  He would always play tricks on us and I remember him as very funny.  He reminds me so much of the way his son, My dad is with our kids.  He would do anything for his grandkids and family.  Moe mai e koro moe mai.  xxxxx

Here are some photos of the Parade below.

When we got home we continued our garage clean up.  We are thinking of either moving or renovating our home so we are doing a big de-clutter.  I worked on the art room that day (our sleepout) and here are some photos of Terina doing some art work in there that night.  She has been down there nearly every day since.  Funny how tidying up can make a difference.  On Friday night her and Niwa went down there into the room and had a blast.  They came back up with about 3 paintings each,  I hope we can help to foster their love for art and creating (something all our kids have in their blood)!

Here are some photos of Terina creating on ANZAC day in our art room.

Below - One of the 'master pieces' she created
 that day. 
 (A lovely Pukeko)  CUTE!

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